VFive Group

Anti-Bribery Management System


The Top Management uphold a zero-tolerance approach towards all forms of bribery. VFive Group Sdn. Bhd. promotes the value of good governance and ethical conduct while carrying our operations to ensure sustainability in our actions and decisions.

VFive Group Sdn. Bhd. is committed to:                                             

  1. Establish, maintain, and periodically review the effectiveness of the Anti-Bribery Management Systems (ABMS) Policy, its objective and make effort to continually improve the system;
  2. Complying with laws and regulations against bribery and corruption practices by inculcating integrity, transparency and accountability in all aspects of its business;
  3. Promote the values of integrity and good corporate governance in all business dealings and ensure all employee and business associates and stakeholders to adhere to Anti-Bribery Management Systems (ABMS) Policy and its related procedures.
  4. Implement awareness programs through ongoing campaigns, and appropriate training to employees and stakeholders on the dangers of corruption.
  5. Take appropriate action for any violations of the Anti-Bribery Management System.


    1. Organizing minimum of two-hours training per person of understanding Anti-Bribery Management System (ABMS) to all employee annually;
    2. Achieve a 100% reduction in reported incidents of bribery and corruption across all operational areas annually.
    3. Promoting Anti-Bribery Management System (ABMS) amongst all business associates; and
    4. Conduct a comprehensive annual risk assessment, scoring risks on a predefined scale, and ensure that high-risk areas are mitigated by at least 80% within six months of identification.

The objective will be accomplished through strong commitment and support from the management, employee’s involvement, effective training and solid co-operation amongst the stakeholders.


  1. Encourage employees, members of the public, suppliers, contractors, and other third parties to report any violation of the code of conduct or acts of corruption whether they are taking place, suspected to be imminent or have occurred, any unlawful acts, misconduct, and abuse of power or malpractice to established channels without fear or concern.

  2. Provide the confidence of employees, the public, suppliers, contractors, and other third parties who make disclosures, that they are protected and kept confidential and not disclosed to any other party. Protection will not be provided if the department finds the disclosure was made in bad faith or for personal gain.

  3. Encouraging whistleblowers to expose corrupt activities, embezzlement, and any form of misconduct.

Whistleblower Management Process


All VFive Group personnel shall not request or receive any form of gifts such as money, hampers, holiday sponsorships, free fares, services, and so on from any person who has a relationship with official duties. An individual shall also not receive a gift that does not match the purpose given or received with corrupt or criminal intent

If the individual is in a situation where the gift is difficult to refuse, the individual may receive it but must report in writing to the head of the department for approval.

Regulations relating to the acceptance and awarding of gifts as in Service Circular No. 3 of 1998: Guidelines on the Giving and Acceptance of Gifts in the Public Service, Regulation 8, Public Officers (Conduct and Discipline) Regulations 1993.



MACC has set the Guidelines to serve as a reference for Government Interest Companies (GIC) in the implementation of IGU functions.

Core Function of Integrity and Governance Unit (IGU) has set four (4) functions as follows:

Ensure the best governance is implemented In VFive Group Sdn. Bhd.

Carried out through awareness programs in enhancing the best practices of ethics and integrity within VFive Group Sdn. Bhd.

Detecting and verifying complaints on potential misconduct and violation of code of conduct and ethics, and to determine and take appropriate action to address such misconduct or breach.

Involves the systematic management of information/complaints on potential misconduct and violation of VFive Group Sdn. Bhd.’s code of conduct and ethics to ensuring that such misconduct is addressed.

Complaints Channel​

  1. Present in person to office VFive Group Sdn. Bhd.

  2. Officer Name: Azlan Bin Abdullah

  3. Email : azlan@vfive.com.my

  4. Telephone number: 03-4285 4771 / 012-2900177